Monday, March 15, 2010

A list of my top vaporizers

One of my favorite things to do is to have a list. While in the office, I always make a short list of the things I have to do for the following day. I make my list or my schedule in advance. There are a lot of things where we can make use of lists. They are very helpful after all. They keep you organized and scheduled. Of course, you have all the gadgets for that these days, but somehow, I like it really old school.

So my penchant for making list extended into making a list for my favorite vaporizers. Vaporizers are very popular today. Truly it is one of my favorite things to do. One day it crossed my mind to make a list of my favorite vaporizers. But I have to say that I have only one of three. The rest I have tried through the help of my friends. So, here is my list on my top three (vaporizer) picks.

It’s the volcano vaporizer
This is a personal favorite of mine, because, well, this is the vaporizer that I have. I was drawn to the volcano when I heard that it won an award. The award is given yearly to the place of the volcano manufacturers. Those who have made great strides in innovations are given the award. The volcano vaporizer is more than just a vaporizer, it is an award winning vaporizer at that. But more than its award is the vapor produced by the volcano. The vapor is pure, clean, and potent. Of course, it follows that it tastes good too.

The vapir oxygen vaporizer makes my list because buying one is being cost effective. The vaporizer is a portable digital vaporizer. Some portable vaporizers are not digital, but not the vapir oxygen vaporizer. This vaporizer would appeal to people who travel a lot. If they have the vapir oxygen vaporizer, then they can vaporize anytime that they want to. Also, it doesn’t take up much space in yours suit case.

The third on my list is the kia vaporizer. What I love about the kia vaporizer is its travel potential and of course, the vapor it produces. I love the kia because it has a filter and bubbler attachment. Both are optional of course, but the moment you use the two, you will see a great difference with your vaporizing habit. The filter takes care of unwanted ash and herbs. It keeps them from reaching your mouth. The bubbler attachment on the other hand functions as a humidifier that cools and cleanses your vapor. Amazing right?

Make your own list too! You will be really surprised why those vaporizers have made your list.

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