Monday, March 15, 2010

Vaporizer: a three in one benefit

Those who are into vaporizing know first hand how lucky they are that they have decided to give vaporizers a chance. Many people are skeptic about vaporizers. It may be because of pre conceived notions or it could be because of simple caution. But before we find out how good a thing is, we all have to take a risk in trying it out. Try vaporizing; you are sure to get more than one benefit.

Vaporizers are known to give you three benefits. Those who want to quit smoking can truly appreciate vaporizers. Those who get the flu (even though you get a shot regularly) can also benefit from investing in a vaporizer. If you do not smoke and you don’t get flu, then you can always enjoy the primary function of a vaporizer – which is to vaporize herbs for your enjoyment.

Get high
I have to admit that the first thing I tried vaporizing was to experience legal highs. But as time went by, getting high was not my sole concern. There is that aromatherapy too. But of course, I still love getting high. Just to be clear though, that is legal high for me. I am not into anything illegal. I admit that I am a careful person. I also have an overactive conscience so anything illegal is something I would much rather avoid. Anyway, getting (legal) high is enough fun for me.

Get well
If you are tired of the getting sick every time the flu season comes in, then other than a strong immune system, you might need a vaporizer too. The vaporizer per se will not cure your flu. With flu, the best treatment would be bed rest and fluids. Flu is self limiting since it is caused by a virus but that doesn’t mean you cannot do anything with its symptoms. Get rid of the symptoms by vaporizing spearmint and eucalyptus.

Get rid of that smoking habit
Vaporizing is a very famous alternative to smoking. When you vaporize, you do not have to worry about carbon monoxide and tar. These are by products of the combustion that occurs in smoking. But with vaporizing, no combustion occurs. You get the desired effects from the herb you ‘smoke’ or ‘vaporize’ without worrying about inhaling those nasty substances. Indeed, vaporizing would be a better choice over smoking. If you have been planning to quit smoking already but you still do not want to give up tasting tobacco or herbs, then the best recourse would be to vaporize.

Those are quite a number of benefits you can get while shelling out some cash once only. With a vaporizer, you really hit the jackpot. You won’t be looking for anything else when you. If you are eager to get one vaporizer for yourself, then the best place to go is to your computer. Check out, an online store that distributes only the best vaporizers. Invest on vaporizer now!

A list of my top vaporizers

One of my favorite things to do is to have a list. While in the office, I always make a short list of the things I have to do for the following day. I make my list or my schedule in advance. There are a lot of things where we can make use of lists. They are very helpful after all. They keep you organized and scheduled. Of course, you have all the gadgets for that these days, but somehow, I like it really old school.

So my penchant for making list extended into making a list for my favorite vaporizers. Vaporizers are very popular today. Truly it is one of my favorite things to do. One day it crossed my mind to make a list of my favorite vaporizers. But I have to say that I have only one of three. The rest I have tried through the help of my friends. So, here is my list on my top three (vaporizer) picks.

It’s the volcano vaporizer
This is a personal favorite of mine, because, well, this is the vaporizer that I have. I was drawn to the volcano when I heard that it won an award. The award is given yearly to the place of the volcano manufacturers. Those who have made great strides in innovations are given the award. The volcano vaporizer is more than just a vaporizer, it is an award winning vaporizer at that. But more than its award is the vapor produced by the volcano. The vapor is pure, clean, and potent. Of course, it follows that it tastes good too.

The vapir oxygen vaporizer makes my list because buying one is being cost effective. The vaporizer is a portable digital vaporizer. Some portable vaporizers are not digital, but not the vapir oxygen vaporizer. This vaporizer would appeal to people who travel a lot. If they have the vapir oxygen vaporizer, then they can vaporize anytime that they want to. Also, it doesn’t take up much space in yours suit case.

The third on my list is the kia vaporizer. What I love about the kia vaporizer is its travel potential and of course, the vapor it produces. I love the kia because it has a filter and bubbler attachment. Both are optional of course, but the moment you use the two, you will see a great difference with your vaporizing habit. The filter takes care of unwanted ash and herbs. It keeps them from reaching your mouth. The bubbler attachment on the other hand functions as a humidifier that cools and cleanses your vapor. Amazing right?

Make your own list too! You will be really surprised why those vaporizers have made your list.

My top three vaporizers

These days, we all have a list of everything. We have a grocery list, we a have a things to do list, and we also have au bucket list (but I do not have this one. Methinks making one is courting you know what). Well, I have expanded my collection of lists to a vaporizer list.

We all have our own preference of vaporizers. I have mine too. I really love vaporizing and even though I only have one vaporizer, I am quite content with it. I have a volcano vaporizer and I have saved up for this for so long. I think it took several lunch money and dinner less nights too. There was much sacrifice involved but I have to say, it was a worthy sacrifice. I have never been more content with the vaporizer I have now. So I guess it is just fitting that the first on my ‘top three vaporizer’ would be the volcano vaporizer.

The volcano vaporizer
From its name itself, I got the impression that this is one intense vaporizer. It has an intense feel about it. It also has a tinge of seriousness too. Just to be clear here (because I often digress), I am still talking about vaporizers. The volcano vaporizer is one vaporizer that you should take seriously. Aside from its very serious price, it also does some mean vaporizing. The volcano vaporizer is made of quality materials. It also has a great warranty deal. Added to that, you get a smokeless vaporizing experience that is unlike any other. The volcano gives a pure and potent vapor each time you vaporize.

The vapir oxygen vaporizer
My list is about vaporizers that are really of good quality. These vaporizers give you a good value of your money. The vapir oxygen vaporizer is a great deal because it is a two in one vaporizer. Aside from being a digital vaporizer, it is also a portable vaporizer. Where else can you get that deal? Well, there are other vaporizers that might have the same features but the vapir digital vaporizer is a favorite of mine since I believe that it is priced just right. It is very compact; you can really bring it anywhere you want to bring it. The vapor it produces is not bad too. It gives an excellent vapor for such a reasonable price.

The kia vaporizer
I have to admit that I am a bit prejudiced with the kia vaporizer. Of course, it is a vaporizer that is proudly US made. Also, this vaporizer comes in a very nice package. It has a great container. At first glance, I didn’t even see it as a vaporizer. I thought it was a make up kit. But once it is opened, the magic is revealed. The kia vaporizer also has the amazing bubbler attachment. The bubbler attachment acts as a humidifier that cools the vapor so that it would not irritate your nasal passages. Also, the bubbler attachment further cleanses the vapor the vaporizer produce.

I sure love my top three vaporizer list. Make your own list too!

Vaporizer wishful thinking

My vaporizer has given me so much already. Indeed, more than I have expected. I was a smoker before but thanks to vaporizer, those smoking days are over. Every time I feel stressed and tired, I can rely on my vaporizer too. I love vaporizing lavender and spearmint especially. I love how lavender relaxes me. With the spearmint, I love how it soothes my respiratory tract (they call it, I think).

But in my boredom, I think of things that I wish my vaporizer could do. Added to that, I also want something new from the vaporizer industry. Is it not the right time to publish more books about vaporizing in general? It would be nice too if it is a scientifically backed publication. I guess I just want to know something more about my favorite hobby.

So first in my very weird list of vaporizer wants is a vaporizer that doubles as an alarm clock. Is that weird or what? It just popped up in my mind. I think it would be really cool if there is a vaporizer that you can use as an alarm clock too. I guess this thought came when I saw a couple of vaporizers that weirdly looked like alarm clocks. If I don’t recognize a vaporizer as an alarm clock immediately, I mistake it for an alarm clock.

The next on my list is a vaporizer that is also a lava lamp. Now this one I think would appeal to many people (or maybe just to me). The volcano vaporizer has a potential to be a lava lamp. I mean, is it not a volcano already? That was a joke by the way (you can smile if you want, or not). I have already imagined having it in my room. A red vaporizer/ lava lamp would go well with my bedroom design I think. Anyway, don’t you just feel my sentiments?

The last on my list has been on my wish for quite some time. I am still new to vaporizing maybe that is why I am very curious about it. I just want to know more about vaporizing. I keep looking for a book about vaporizers. Maybe a user guide to the best vaporizers and the best herbs. Although I have been reading about vaporizers online, I guess I just want to curl up in the bed with a book. Also a published book has a very different feel to articles published in the net alone. But of course, I am very thankful for the articles found in the internet; they after all make things a lot easier for me (and for you too of course).

But on the mean time, I constantly check out and their blog too. They have a very informative (not to mention entertaining) articles about vaporizers. Drop by at now!

Three of my most loved vaporizers

Making a list is really fun. Especially when the list you are making makes you feel good about yourself. When feeling especially down, I make a list of the things I find positive in myself. But this is not to say I am narcissistic. When feeling especially proud, I also make a list of the things I should improve in myself. Making a list, any list for that matter, can be really fulfilling.

It is no wonder that I made a list of my favorite vaporizers; after all I make a list about everything. But back to vaporizers, there are many of them in the industry today. I can hardly keep up because from time to time, a new vaporizer comes up. If it is not a totally new one, a new version of an older vaporizer comes out. But as of now, I have made my decision. These three vaporizers definitely caught my attention.

Volcano vaporizers

Undeniably, one of the most famous vaporizers today is the volcano vaporizers. The volcano is an award winning vaporizer too. The volcano vaporizer has also a reputation in the health care industry. It is said to draw out the good parts from the otherwise harmful ingredients of marijuana. The vapor from the volcano vaporizer as described by some is simply amazing. You will never want for anything else (or any vaporizer) once you have the volcano vaporizer. But thinking about it, wouldn’t a portable volcano vaporizer sound good? Maybe in the future, the volcano will release their line of portable vaporizes. I hope that won’t end up as mere wishful thinking.

The vapir oxygen vaporizer is one vaporizer that I can really appreciate. This vaporizer is not only portable but it is also digital as well. What you used to pay for separately can be found today in just one vaporizer. This vaporizer has a lot of fans. Those who want a digital vaporizer but wants a portable one as well really hit the jackpot in the vapir oxygen vaporizer.

The kia vaporizer is a proud US manufactured vaporizer. It has a really cute design or look about it. It is very simple to use too. Straight vaporizing – no frills. I love the kia because they constantly make their vaporizer a good one. They have a principle that there is always room for improvement. With the kia, you get two optional accessories: the bubbler and the filter. You can choose one but choosing both is better. It makes vaporizing even more great.

Check out these vaporizers at now! They have the top ranking vaporizers right in their website. They also have vaporizers sold at amazing deals. Don’t forget to pay them a visit.